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Monday, March 19, 2007

Whole Foods Diet

This diet controls the intake of refined sugars or flour and encourages intake of whole, unprocessed food. It contains moderate amounts of starch, protein and fat. The Whole Foods Diet allows your nutritional needs to be supplied naturally.

It is especially appropriate for persons with:

  • Mild to severe obesity

  • Elevated triglyerides

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)

  • Glucose intolerance

Follow these instructions:

Eat and drink as much of the following as you need to satisfy your hunger:
• salads and non-starchy vegetables
• whole fresh fruit (except bananas), fruit bottled or canned without sugar, sweetened with artificial sweetener if necessary
• Lean meat, including poultry, lean ham, reduced-fat bacon (e.g. turkey bacon), and reduced-fat sausages
• fish
• egg whites
• reduced fat cheese (especially cottage cheese)
• nuts as part of a main dish
• condiments (sour pickles, worcestershire sauce)
• tea, coffee, low calorie juices, diet soft drinks

CONTROL your intake of carbohydrates:
This is the feature of the diet that will allow for your weight loss and lower your triglycerides and blood sugar, if they are elevated.
You may have 5 carbohydrate (CHO) choices per day. One CHO choice is no more than 15g of Total CHO per serving. One CHO choice includes:
• 1 slice of regular bread
• 2 slices of 40-calorie/slice bread
• 1/2 cup of macaroni, spaghetti, oatmeal, rice or non-sweetened breakfast cereal
• 1/2 cup of potatoes, pinto beans, lima beans, corn, black-eyed peas or green peas
• 1 small banana
• 8-12 oz. beer, 3-4 oz. wine, or 1 oz. hard liquor

You should also consume:
• 2 cups of 1/2% or 1% milk daily; you may substitute sugar-free, fat-free instant pudding mixed with very low fat milk, sugar-free frozen yogurt, low-fat sugar-free yogurt, or sugar-free ice cream
• 6 servings of mono- or polyunsaturated fat

Don’t forget to:
• Weigh yourself before you begin, then once a week or so.
• Eat three or four meals a day. If you eat between meals, eat only “green light” foods.
• Drink an 8-oz glass of water 8 times each day.
• Increase exercise.
• Achieve a feeling of fullness with "green light" foods rather than targeting a specific calorie level
• Read food labels carefully.

Monitor your progress:
• Be willing to address your current eating habits. How frequently do you eat chips, crackers, cookies, fast foods, soft drinks, snack foods, cakes or desserts?
• Concentrate on the quality of the food you eat rather than the number of calories. Eat whole grains (not just grains), raw or lightly cooked vegetables, fresh fruits, low or nonfat dairy products, and lean cuts of protein foods.
• Follow the Whole Foods eating plan 90% of the time, and treat yourself to a favorite food 10% of the time
• Be realistic about your weight-loss expectations. Don't expect a "quick fix," and be patient.
• Don't deprive yourself! Healthy eating results in more energy, more restful sleep and a better mood!
• When you visit your doctor, look for improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels and energy

For more information on weight loss, health, and fitness please visit top weight loss site for the absolute most trust worthy information online.

Have a great day and God bless!

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